on March 4, 2013 in Lifestyle
If you want a quick way to shift your mood or even soothe a headache, try some aromatherapy in your hot tub.
Practitioners in the Holistic Health Field claim that Aromatherapy can help stress, depression, insomnia and anxiety. Some say they can even reduce toxin build-up and possibly treat ailments like asthma or the flu.
Aromatherapy is claimed to work by stimulating the scent receptors in your nose, which in turn sends a signal to section of the brain that controls emotions [The International Journal of Neuroscience 2009; 119(2): 263-90.]
Adding essential oils to your hot tub is an effective way to release the aromatherapy properties of the oils since the heated water, which is constantly circulating, helps to diffuse the scented molecules. Hot tubs already have several physiological and mental benefits. Adding some essential oil can be used to enhance that experience.
4 Popular Essential Oils for Aromatherapy:
Improve Concentration, Alertness, and Decision-Making Abilities
Lemon stimulates the mind, but it also calms the emotions, so it is effective for decision-making. Do you ever sit in your hot tub with your partner talking over an issue at the end of the day? Maybe lemon would help!
In Japan, they believe in lemon aromatherapy so deeply that they infuse the scent into factories and offices. They have found that it greatly improves concentration and memorization in workers. Studies confirm that lemon does relax the brain waves, which results in improved concentration.
Relieve the Tension, Stimulate the Senses
This stimulating scent can be used to ease tense muscles, or for a more stimulating hot tub experience.
This essential oil dates back to the Egyptian times, and it is the most widely used oil today. Peppermint has many of the same healing properties as Menthol, which makes up 70% of the oil. Menthol is known for relieving aches of all kinds from headaches to bone-aches to muscle-aches.
Since it is thought to be a powerful stimulant, some claim Peppermint activates the imagination and is sensually stimulating, even resulting in more vivid dreams at night.
Uplift Your Mood, De-Stress and Relax
We naturally gravitate toward floral scents because they bring a sense of calm to our mood.
This scent was popular during the Victorian times, and it was common to see Geranium plants potted around the living areas where it was readily available to uplift the senses any time.
Geranium in particular is known for its uplifting, anti-depressant properties. Used in a bath, it’s mildly sedative and relaxing while at the same time uplifting to the spirit.
If you are under stress and need a quick pick-me-up, try some Geranium oil in your hot tub.
Anti-Depressant, Mood Balancing, Relief from Nervous Tension
This is one of the more interesting essential oils, claiming to induce a feeling of euphoria and joy. Clary Sage can be traced back to ancient Greek medicine and is very popular among women.
When trying our Clary Sage in your hot tub for the first time, be aware of the claims that this essential oil is a powerful aphrodisiac! If you are planning a romantic evening, read our tips in our post: 5 Sensual Steps to A Romantic Hot Tub Encounter.
How to Use Essential Oils in Your Hot Tub:
Essential oils can come in traditional liquid form, or in crystal and bead form. If you are using a liquid form of essential oil, you can add the undiluted oil directly to the hot tub water.
Depending on the size of your spa, you will need about 6-10 drops of essential oil. You must use pure essential oils that are not blended with a carrier oil. If you have any concerns, contact our customer care department.
Not only are essential oils beneficial to the mind and body, some essential oils such as lemon and geranium have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that may help keep your spa clean.
Want to experience this but don’t own a hot tub yet? Request your free brochure today and see what Thermospas can do to enhance your life:
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